Wednesday, 8 August 2007

The Dream of August 6-7

No dream the night between the 5th and 6th, but here's last night's err.... "adventure".

It started in a town somewhere, I think it was supposed to be Malmö, but I didn't recognise it (and I haven't been to Malmö all that much, which might explain the lack of familiarity in the surroundings).
Then, I found myself inside the terminal of an airport, or so I thought. I was with my high school class, I think, 'cause some of my old friends were there. But other friends that had nothing to do with my high school were there too, like Beppo and Kit.
Unfortunately, many details of this dream were (I think) lost as I tried really hard to remember the end of it. But I know I tied my shoes or something on a bench when some weirdo security guy in a suit walked past two police officers standing really close to me and told them off (very loudly!) for not wearing their little blue stickers that said "police officer". These stickers were really tiny, and the policemen were in full uniform but apparently the stickers were the important part of the uniform.

I remember me and Kit buying a lot of bread and stuff since apparently food would be really expensive in Germany (that's where we were going, I've forgotten what town). But after we buy all this food we remember that we're flying with RyanAir and to save money we've only got carry-on luggage and you can't get the food past security then. So I asked Beppo to take our food, and he refused. Then I asked a guy from my old class, Joel (I haven't seen him for like four years) to do it and he refused too. Then we had to get to the gate (apparently the security check would be at the gate) and we had to walk outside.
There were three different footpaths leading to gates. The right one had a sign with an airplane and it said something about RyanAir but it didn't have any info on our flight so while we weren't sure that it was the right one we assumed it must be started walking that way. Then I had a change of heart and told Kit that I would go back and see what the other two signs said, maybe I could rule those two footpaths out based on what departure information their signs had on them. So I got back and made sure that they were the wrong ones and then I turned to walk to the gate. Now here's the really freaky part. Suddenly it's no longer the way to a gate at an airport. Now it's a railway station and I think nothing of the sudden change of transportation.

However, a train passes by, right next to me, and there are already two trains waiting where the footpath used to be and with this third one there are now three tracks running parallel to one another and there's a train on each one. I know that I'm supposed to get past them to reach the platform, but how? One of the train tracks is situated higher than the other two (like it's on some elevated platform one and a half meters up) and has sort of a fence around it and I decide that the fence is my best option and climb up there. My intention is to hold on to the fence and make my way to the platform between these two trains. But it's much too tight for me to squeeze my way between the trains and the power lines above the middle train are now perilously close to me. But then the train on the higher platform starts to move and I can now walk on the tracks behind it.

Here is a bit of a blank part, but I make it to the platform where we're about to board our train to Germany. And now it's been obvious that we were going by train all along and I turn to Kit and say: "D'uh! Why were we so worried about bringing food past security? We're not flying, we're travelling by train!"

And then I woke up. I know more stuff happened when I was out and about in Malmö and more stuff happened inside that airport, which kind of resembled a shopping mall, really... But I can't remember any of that.

Sunday, 5 August 2007

The Dream of August 4-5

Bits and pieces again.

At one point I'm on the Camp Funkadelica bus, and I think I'm actually driving it too. And I'm supposed to get us somewhere but I keep getting lost and I drive around in quite different environments, though it's always in a town of some sort. Parts of it resemble Bristol, parts resemble the part of Linköping where my friend Beppo lives. Some parts don't resemble any place I can remember that I've ever seen, but somehow I kind of "know" that it's Lund (where my aunt lives).
In the end we get to a hospital, where I suppose we were going all along only I didn't realise it before then. And... I don't think I'm a nurse or a med student or anything, but for some reason me and some friends of mine (in the dream, I don't know these girls in real life) are giving another friend medication. And then they take her away into a locked ward. But then we realise that we gave her way too much medicine and we somehow have to get it out of her without letting the hospital staff know that we messed up.
We manage to sneak in through the locked door (which is actually one of those glass doors that shops sometimes use that slides open on its own when you're standing in front of it) and we start trying to think of different ways to help our friend. Then she sneezes, and like... white goo spurts out of her nose and mouth. We all keep trying to think of ways of reducing the amount of medication in our friend's system until someone points out that tests show that it's reduced to the proper level and that she must have sneezed most of it out.

I know there's more to this dream, but this is what I can remember.

Saturday, 4 August 2007

The Dream of August 3-4

I only remember bits and pieces of this dream, but I think I was at a festival in a forest with some friends. And there was something about the tent not being good enough and then I remember listening to music and getting into an argument with someone. A man. But we sorted our differences out and became friends, and then he turned out to be a musician in a Porcupine Tree cover band who were playing the festival. And, of course, after we'd become friends the band turned out to suck ass and he was the worst of the lot! Clearly, I could not keep this to myself and it resulted in another argument that ended our brief friendship (one might think I'd have kept my opinions to myself, to save the friendship, but they REALLY sucked).
Then there was something about me and my friend Marie (who was there for some reason) needing a new tent and she brought a self-inflatable one. You seriously pulled a string and the thing just expanded and erected itself in front of you. The tent had the shape of a circus tent, but smaller, of course. In fact, there were a lot of circus tent-type things at the festival area.

That's a quite boring dream, and I remember too little of it. I have to start sleeping with a notepad and a pen by my bed so I can write down the stuff as I wake up. And when I go back to Linköping it's time to start experimenting with music to sleep to. Kit gets quite interesting results with this...

My introduction to the world of blogging and the dream of August 2-3.

My first post. Yay, or something.

So here goes, the first dream I intend to describe.

We're in Bristol, I know it's Bristol because I know that the river that runs through town is Avon, and the little part of the river banks in town that I saw looked a lot like this. Well, with the exception of the large medieval castle that was sitting right there. Oh yeah, there was a medieval castle in the center of town and this castle was a boarding school which Kit and I both attended. At the same time, with very strict rules that we both adhered to despite the fact that she's 17 and I'm 22.
So, there we were, attending school in an old castle that had a moat and a drawbridge and everything. For some reason, I was out in the afternoon one day and I was drinking coffee (well, probably something else since I hate coffee) or something at a sidewalk café with one of my teachers (I kind of know who it was, but I'll get to that later) - and I remember us talking about stuff and for some reason we started kissing. And as weird as that was, it's about to get weirder. After my teacher left I was leaving the sidewalk café (which I'm now pretty sure was either on a boat that was shaped like a square or in a house that also had a moat) and as I got up to leave I saw my mother on the other side of the moat and left to go talk to her. It turned out that she had seen me kiss my teacher and was upset with me and wanted to talk to me about my behaviour - she didn't seem upset at all with my teacher, just me. She made me feel really guilty about the whole thing.

So, the next day or something, I'm back at the castle. And Porcupine Tree are in town! I think we go to see them play - in the middle of the day when we're allowed out of the castle. Kinda strict place, really. Parts of the dream are blurry, but I think we saw them before we ate dinner or lunch in the school cafeteria. Kit was sitting two seats down from me, and opposite me was Jerome from "Ian Wright's Unfit Kids" (a really cute kid!) and apparently his rice was burnt and he asked me for some of mine and as I put some on his plate Kit got up from her seat, mumbled something about having stuff to do and left.

At some point during that day we'd overheard one of PT's roadies saying they were all going to a pub called "I love Jessie" (I know, right? Weirdest name ever!) and as it happened, this pub was right across the river (there was a bridge right after the drawbridge to the castle) and of course the little building that was the pub had a moat too. No drawbridge though, just a regular one. And we managed to sneak out and we could see Wes and Steven through the windows of the second floor of the pub. Steven saw us too and was standing very solemnly, slightly leaning out of the window, watching us. And then a teacher caught us - not the one I'd kissed earlier, a different one. He yelled at me for taking Kit out of the castle like this, taking her age into account, and then sent her back inside. But he didn't send me back, instead we walked over the bridge to the pub and continued around back where there were no people and... we started making out. And then I woke up. Two teachers in two days?!?!?! I'm the sluttiest boarding school girl ever!

So, the weird thing about these teachers... One of them was a friend (of sorts) of mine and the other one was Severus Snape from the Harry Potter books. I actually can't quite remember which pf them did what, but I *think* Snape was the one that caught us outside the pub at night, he seems to be a more nocturnal teacher than most others.

Why was I making out with them? Why did Jerome ask for my rice? Why was his burnt and not mine? Why was Steven watching us from the window of the pub? And why the hell am I attending a boarding school at the age of 22? A medieval one at that! Though, no complaints about it being located in Bristol...

That's it for my first blog post. I've officially sold my soul to the devil.