Sunday 14 October 2007

The Dream of an unknown October night

I don't remember exactly when this was, and the dream is very short. But after retelling it to Kit, who played a major role in it and getting positive feedback I have to post it. (:-)

I'm in a church, a small one, probably early 19th century - the decor is made only of wood. The seats are old-fashioned pews, you know, wide benches on each side that have little wooden doors you have to open to take a seat. I'm in a wedding dress and I'm marrying a musician. I don't think it's a "real" musician, I'm fairly certain that he was fictional. Anyway, we're walking down the aisle, slowly, to the music. The song playing is "Get Down" by the Backstreet Boys (now there's the 'go figure' of the century), and everyone is turning to look at us as we walk past them, but they're all still seated. Big, friendly smiles covering all of their face. Except for Kit, who is grinning like an idiot from her seat right by the aisle. And when I walk past her she jumps up and yells "HIGH FIVE!!!". So I high five her and we burst out laughing. We're laughing the way we usually do after spending a few days 'on the road' together and not getting enough sleep as we're on buses from town to town, checking out gigs. And then I wake up.

When I told Kit about this dream she informed me that she will most definitely do this if I ever do get married. I won't mind, weddings are usually too uptight anyway. (:-)

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