Thursday, 20 November 2008

The Dream of my not so short nap of November 20

I really don't remember much, just fragments from some of the various dreams I had. Honestly, I think I was too exhausted to remember anything as I didn't sleep last night. I'd set my alarm to 5 o'clock, and when I woke up it was a quarter to 8, so clearly, I must've woken up at some point and turned the alarm off. Well, actually, no, I just remembered that for some reason my phone was in the inbox for texts-thingie and that would suggest that a clumsy, sleeping girl tried to shut it up at some point.

Oddly enough, I think I visited The Netherlands with my mum for a gig in my sleep today. She's been appearing in a lot of my dreams lately, I wonder why that is?
Anyways, we were supposed to get to the UK from there and we had tickets for... some kind of transport, I sort of see what they look like but as strange as it may sound I can not for the life of me determine if they're boats or buses. I think maybe boats? Some kind of strange canals seem to run between wherever we are and wherever we're going. It looks nothing like any place I've seen before. Everything seems to be indoors, despite being outside, I definitely get the feeling that I'm under a giant roof of some kind. And there are floors everywhere and odd little houses shaped like boxes, and everything's very impersonal where I am. There are ramps by these canals and different levels and we soon realise that we're on the wrong one and we start running to get to where we're supposed to be, but we miss our boat/bus/whatever and we have to go somewhere else to find another one and we run through this place that's a lot darker. I get the feeling that the giant roof that's covering everything is a lot lower and, somehow, darker than the other one. The houses here are more personal and seem furnished and they have a lot more windows, and bigger windows. It's clearly a posh neighbourhood and despite the furnishing and the obvious fact that people live here it still feels empty, deserted and there's almost a sense of dread in the air.
I think we eventually get to another transport that's gets us close to where we're going even if it's not the exact place we were looking for.

I had a dream where I recall that I... kept my faith in someone who was either accused of something or looked down on by others, it's really fuzzy now though. There's something about innocence, like this is a young girl or something, perhaps. I'm not sure about this one, it's like I can almost see and remember what it was about but it's juuust out of reach. So you just get the hazy "feelings" of it, rather than something with substance. Just call me Derek Acorah. No, please don't. Unlike him, my dreams aren't fake.

Then I have this recollection of letters and signs flashing before my eyes, like a code or something. Maybe it was a formula for something scientists have been working on for years. But I hope not, since I can't remember what it was. Another odd detail is that I do believe I was involved in some serious kissing when this happened. I *think* I remember who the other person was, but I'm not one to dream-kiss and tell.

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