Saturday 17 January 2009

The Dream of January 17

This is getting ridiculous. I'm having really complicated dreams every night and now they've taken a turn for the possible crime-of-the-century-film-script-type. Right now, though, I am beyond angry with myself for forgetting so much of this one in the process of waking up. I SWEAR to you that I knew every detail of this well-thought out crime as I discovered it and began to piece the story together for my mum as we alerted the police.
Of course, there are some oddities in it too, things that don't make sense. Towards the end, over a period of probably ten minutes, I manage to walk through three completely different types of environment at different times of day.

Awww, fuck. I'm still angry with myself. I was trying to run through the dream again and I can think of a few "small" things that happened, that became important, but I can't remember how they happened, which would be important for the character who did them all. Crap. Oh well, here we go:

Our neighbour, a little old lady, had moved out or died (there was a little old lady there a couple of years ago, who's since moved out and been replaced by a young man). A woman came to live there instead. She gave us sort of her life-story, I think. About how she was from Belarus and was now looking for a new start here. I think she might've been in a relationship with a Swedish man and had moved in on her own to learn Swedish better before getting to know his young daughter...
The trouble here is... One day she just upped and left, and another woman of similar age (about 35-40) moved in instead. This one was also from an Eastern European country, and we got to know her and her life-story too. And I may be mixing them up a bit. But that's not really important. What does change with the second one, though, is that she stays longer and we get to know her better (there are also dream-oddities such as her living next door but somehow still living in our flat and keeping her dog here. I think I woke up one day to find her and her dog in my room and that's how we were introduced. The dog was a bearded collie, like Yatzty, btw, but less cute).
Anyway. We get to know her quite well and she gets to borrow my mobile, my mum's car, amongst other things. I think she brings me on shopping trips and stuff... I've no idea why I went with her. But over the months she becomes very close to us.

Then, at some point. I go on a trip or something. And I *think* I'm on a ferry or something. I'm definitely on a transport that allows me to, without too much trouble, get into the cargo area. That being said, I may not have been allowed there, but I got in nonetheless.
A few things have now happened, but it's all so faded that I can't tell you how.

1. A bank, or something, has been robbed of a huge amount of money.
2. My mum's car has been stolen.
3. Our neighbour has mysteriously disappeared.

Now, clearly, when reading this it's not hard to connect the three, but in the dream no one had any idea that any of these things could be connected to one another.
So, I find this cargo area. And when I get in there I see a lot of like... bikes and skiis and things. And my mum's car in the corner. Our neighbour is painting it. She's painting one side of it white, while leaving the "details" black. On the other side the "details" are becoming white. Don't ask me the purpose of this yin and yang design - but believe me when I say that, much like every other detail in this dream, it had a purpose. Not only that, but I figured out the purpose of it towards the end.
For some reason, I leave. I think I somehow make it back as we approach our destination (which is still Sweden for some reason) and I see two men in matching overalls and similar backpacks doing some type of work down there. They finish up and they put everything they had to move back in its place as they head off.
Somewhere along the way I've seen our neighbour with a man in a very nice suit. He's roughly 50-55 years old and has a beard. That's all I can tell you really. Well, that and the fact that he's just pulled off the greatest bank job in history. Somehow, I work this out as the two men in overalls leave, because something they've been doing made me put the final pieces of the puzzle together and I've now figured out every detail in their complicated scheme.
But I can't call and tell someone from there, because my neighbour had done something to my phone when she borrowed it, which I now discover. I can't alert anyone else on the ship (or ferry or whatever) because the two "workers" have been meticulous in putting all the bikes and things back in a way that adds another five minutes to my getting-out-of-there-time.
We finally reach land and I'm running down a wooden staircase of some sort to get to the harbour. In it I encounter a guy who's so drunk his nose and mouth are both bleeding (yes, it really was due to the alcohol for some reason). He's clearly not in any position to take care of himself and I stop as he says something drunkenly (I may have madet that word up) to me.
"You shouldn't be out here alone," I say, considering to get him help before I do anything else.
"It's OK, I'm keeping an eye on him," says a guy I know from a forum, except I can't remember who it is. Someone I've never met but respect. And for some reason, in the dream, I know I've seen him with equally drunk friends before and I think to myself that he ought to get new friends. At this point it's late at night and it's pitch black outside, except the night is lit up by millions of lights in a city that seems very big.
I venture on, and manage to phone my mum form my mobile, at last, telling her, without getting into detail, what I've discovered. She sighs and is very troubled by it. I ask her if I should find a police officer downtown and she says that there's no need as she'll phone Kerstin (I don't know if this is a Kerstin we actually know and what she's expected to be able to do about it, but...). Now, it's daytime and I'm on a street here in Jönköping.
A few minutes pass and I phone her back again, asking if she's done it. She says she hasn't, yet, and I sigh at her, knowing she's sneaked out for a cigarette rather than phoned. We hang up, and I walk the last few steps up a grassy slope, where I'm following two police officers I've just spotted, to talk to them about this whole thing. Just as I reach the top of it I see two small wolfish animals lurking about. They're at a bit of a distance from one another, and things now turn very WoW as I guess I step into the aggro range of one of them and it attacks me. I shout for help, hoping the police officers will hear me. A woman, close by does and attempts to help me, but gets in the aggro range of the other one instead. The police officers come running and I manage to free myself of the jaws of the wolf-like creature and throw it a few feet to my right, where it's been shot by one of them before it even hits the ground. Then they kill the other one too, and I can finally begin to tell them my story of the crime of the century...

...of which I've now forgotten all the interesting twists, and details. Bugger. And it was soo much longer than I've made it seem here, there was so much more to it. I'm reeeaaally annoyed.
For what it's worth, I felt very clever just when I worked it out in the dream.

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