Sunday 8 June 2008

The Dream of June 7-8

Right, so, I had quite a dry spell for a while and then when the dreams came back, the blog did not. I may post short versions of ones I remember later, but probably not.

Kit graduates on Tuesday and we're flying to Stansted Wednesday morning and we'll head to Oxford from there to see Wes live. So, clearly, it's about time for my gig-travel-nerves to rear their ugly head and so they have.

In this dream we were indeed supposed to see Wes, but for some reason we'd not managed to get standing tickets before they ran out so we'd sent him a message about it and he, being the Wes we all love, said he'd get us in anyway and that we shouldn't bother with tickets. So far, he was very much himself.
The gig was, apparently, in my home town of Jönköping (though it looked nothing like it) in a venue that was actually a club (and does not exist in real life). It was run by someone who was a vicious bastard and much too stupid to run any kind of business, or so my brother had told me. The venue itself was actually quite cool. Standing stalls in the front (but quite a small area) and then two rows of seats behind it, and then clusters of seats on various levels behind that. Very odd looking but with surprisingly good acoustics.
Now, things get a bit weird as we're already inside but still looking for tickets, somehow. When I attempt to book the first time while inside I only get seats on row 4 and 5. We start to get worried and hope to find Wes to ask him about the arrangement with us getting tickets on the floor instead, ignoring the seated tickets we could buy.
What I can only assume is some kind of sound check starts and we get to hear one song from Wes before this other band shows up and sits down. They look like they belong at the Burg-Herzberg Festival and they have guitars, one violin and various odd drums and percussion instruments. At this point we're at the back of the room, up on some kind of balcony, behind the actual seats. Imagine the back wall of a venue, an elevated balcony with an open space behind it leading into the backstage area - that's where we were. And now Kit heads off to the backstage corridor to find Wes before he gets to the off-limit areas behind one of the doors. Another thing one should know about Kit in this dream is that she's working on some kind of project to do with the Spice Girls. It wasn't that she truly liked them, but I think part of her did and this project was her entire life for some reason, so anything she talked about - even if it was a subject that had nothing to do with the Spice Girls - could easily be related to her project.
I stray a bit, watching this new band - they were terrible, but the violinist was playing her instrument in a very odd way and I called out for Kit to come watch, she said that she didn't want to and that she had to ask Wes something. So I walk over to her and try to persuade her, and she takes one quick look at the violin player before we hear Wes approach and dart out again to meet him. Before I have a chance to open my mouth and say anything Kit has already (in a very hyper, frightening sort of way asked him if she can ask him a question). This is very unlike her, as she's normally a bit shy and... less scary. Wes says that he doesn't have time, in a very brusque manner. But she pleads with him and he gives in and agrees to answer one question very quickly. And, of course, she asks something that has to do with her Spice Girls project - and not about our tickets. What she asks is: "How long will it take before the very best pictures taken at a concert to be properly processed?" Don't ask me to explain it, I can't. I have no idea what pictures she's referring to, who is supposed to take them - Kit herself, a professional, some kind of magic robot - or how they have anything to do with her project. But somehow, Wes knows what she's talking about and says that it ought to take two weeks. And just before he's about to close the door he just walked through I manage to stop him and ask about our tickets. I don't remember his exact response but it was something along the lines of him not having the time nor inclination to deal with it and we had to sort it out ourselves (anyone who's ever met Wes will, at this point, realise why I consider this a nightmare).
Downtrodden, we head back to our little balcony thing and find that, by the seats on our right, just off to the back, there is now a man trying to break the world record of how high one can throw an object (that I've never seen before) that looks a bit like a plastic balloon. Someone's made a hole in the ceiling for him to throw it through and as he prepares to do so the man who runs the venue arrives from a door off to the side. Some kind of dance music issues from that door and this is when I realise that the venue is part of a bigger building with his club in it and that this man is calling the shots. It was definitely his idea to break that world record in the venue. It's hard to explain this man, he acts very strange and looks like a mixture of Peter Siepen (very annoying guy on Swedish television) and Alex from A Clockwork Orange.

After this there is more trouble with that club, its owner and whatnot. I think I exit the venue and find myself on the beach for some reason. And then they changed owners (which they'd done a few times before) and the new one was just as daft as the old one.

So, that's my demented dream of the day - I'll try to keep posting more of them from now on.

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