Friday 27 February 2009

The Dream of February 27

I've been a bit annoyed lately that I've no money to spend on the annual book sale this year, perhaps that's how this dream came to be centred around a book!

I was browsing through the music-related books in a bookstore in Gothenburg and found one about the Manic Street Preachers and bought it. It had been released by a Swedish organisation arranging gigs and things and I thought that was interesting. When I started reading it I realised that the first 30 pages of the book was filled with pictures from a music club that same organisation ran and had nothing to do with the band in question. The pictures weren't even of bands playing, they were of "metal"-looking people dressed up in stupid costumes (I distinctly remember the guy dressed as an enormous condom), doing stupid things and being stupidly drunk. So, basically, pictures that are only entertaining if you were actually there or know the people in them - and possibly not even then.
Then I got to the stuff about the Manic Street Preachers and found that it wasn't particularly well-written and didn't contain anything that wasn't already well-known about the band (note that I don't know a whole lot about them, even if I do have most of their albums so I've no idea what would be new information).

I'm not sure how much time passed between this and the next part of the dream, where I was going to a gig, but Kit and Julian had now turned up to join me. For some reason we were in the same building as the bookstore, but we went down below ground and ran through tunnels that looked just like the ones underneath campus Valla at the uni in Linköping. Loads of other people were running too, I guess people wanted to get to the front. I lost Kit and Julian somewhere along the way, and actually outran them (possibly the only time I'll ever get to outrun anyone who isn't a turtle) in the struggle to get to a gig with bands I didn't even know the names of. When I finally get there, three guys are standing in the front, they look to be about 15. There were seats towards the back, though. They were like those bleachers you always see in American films, and some people were scattered across them, but the whole point of running to the gig now seemed strange. Especially since the band setting their gear up consisted of five teenage girls and the name of their band was something like Edgoy. Clearly, an Edguy cover band and I'm no big fan of coverbands in general and I'm definitely not a big fan of power metal coverbands with teenagers in them. But there was no way I was leaving until I knew what the main event was. So I asked a few people who didn't know. Then I approached an Asian-looking guy who was sitting alone on front row and looked every bit the part of a power metal geek. Swedish didn't work, but after rephrasing the question two times in English he told me a name I don't remember but recognised in the dream as being another power metal band. Definitely not something to stick around for.
After managing to locate Kit and Julian we started walking back through the tunnels, but soon found they were a lot harder to navigate when you couldn't just follow the running power metal kids. We finally ended up in the right building but came out through the wrong exit and found ourselves in the bookstore I'd been to earlier. I told them about the horrible book I'd bought, only then realising that the venue I'd just left was the same one featured in the photos of that book. We spent some time browsing through books and laughing at romance novels with Fabio-esque men on the cover and titles like "Nights of Passion" and "The Stable Boy". I am sooo not googling those to find out if they're real titles of books like that, I'm sure they are but I'd rather not know that my subconscious knew somehow.
I don't know if anything else happened in the dream, but I doubt it. Not the best one ever, but given the lack of updates lately I thought I'd post it.
I wonder why my power metal past has decided to come back to haunt me?

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