Sunday 22 February 2009

The Dreams of February 22

I've been crap with dreams lately, mainly because James has somehow worked his way into nearly all dreams I can remember having had (yes, you may all proceed to ridicule me and hurl tomatoes at me). There have been a few without him I think would've been worthy of blogging (and a few with him too), but I've managed to forget them all before I've had a chance to write them down.

I had two last night. One of them was indeed one with James, we were going somewhere and the entire dream - or the parts I can remember of it - took place in a hotel where we went in together but for some reason I had to go up to our room alone and there loads of different lifts and I had trouble figuring out which one to use before finding a really fast one (not that I needed a really fast one, the building only had seven floors), but somehow that felt important. Then I had to go back down (I don't know why, there might have ben something wrong with the room) and for some reason forgot half of my belongings in the corridor, by the lift on the seventh floor and when I got back down I think I cried about having left it. Either it was at great risk of being stolen up there or I was REALLY fond of my stuff. James went up to get it for me, and I made sure to tell him about the fast lift.
"Interesting" fact about the fast lift: It wasn't shaped like a normal lift. Usually they're sort of square or rectangular (well, since they're boxes that would make them more cubical than anything I guess, but whatever), but this one was... I swear, it was sort of shaped like a croissant.
Anyway, that's about all I can remember from this dream - it's not all that interesting, but it somehow worked its way into the next dream where I, towards the end, started feeling as if I was actually staying in that hotel, on some kind of holiday with James and I felt that I'd rather be with him than where I was (if you just "awwww"ed you're permanently banned from these blogging premises).

Right, down to business then. I was in my late teens (but I was in my "skinny phase" which was at age 20, not that it matters) and someone was having a party, a birthday party I think. It seemed to be arranged by some of the girls for another one of the girls, and while most of the girls who were there before the party started were either friends of mine from my mid-teens or characters not existing outside this dream the girl whose birthday it was I know from the choir I was in at uni. Her name is Karin too, and in this dream I guess she was having boyfriend troubles.
We were in a flat I've never seen and there were about seven of us there, I think. In the dream I could easily distinguish everyone separately and I can tell you that (for instance) there was a girl with curly hair slicked back in some kind of knot with glasses and freckles on her face, dressed in a black dress of some sort and I could have just as easily told you similar information about all the other girls when I was in the dream, but it's all fading now.
The woman of the hour spent the most part of the dream down in the street, outside the building (which I think was late 19th century/early 20th century and it was in a town/city but from a window I could see a park with a lake in it... It looked a bit like we were in Nässjö, but I sincerely hope we weren't), arguing with her boyfriend. Everytime she came back up the other girls fussed and redid her make-up for her as she kept crying it off. People were talking on their phones, being upset, probably informing other people coming of what was going on with the girl and her boyfriend. One of the girls was probably taking care of party things, she spoke in a much more businesslike voice and seemed very stern and unmoved by the whole thing.
At some point, when things were calm and seemed all right, loads of the girls kept making remarks to me about a boy who was coming. In the dream I knew exactly who he was and what he looked like and while he's not a real person I can definitely see why he was a boy I would've liked as a teenager. Very geeky. Everytime they teased me about him coming my face turned crimson and I kept excusing myself to go to the loo. For some reason, there were two bathrooms and I kept going to one where the toilet was all strange (massive thing that was difficult to flush and the water seemed odd and the entire thing was a bit filthy) and the lock didn't work - the door kept sliding open again - but no matter how many times I went there and the door openedm exposing me to the world, I never decided to go to the other one - despite actually thinking I should in the dream. Very strange.
At some point someone got upset with me for fiddling with my mobile. A bit odd, since everyone else kept talking on theirs. I think this is where the other dream started working its way in, and I was either texting James or checking the time or seeing if he'd attempted to contact me. Someone knocked the phone out of my hand at one point, and it slid across the floor. I remember getting on my knees to look for it (but not immediately, it was after I came back from the loo that wouldn't lock for the umpteenth time). When I found it I asked myself what I was doing at that party when I was in town with James and he was just waiting around for me at the hotel, feeling guilty. And I can actually remember how it felt as if I physically grew and aged in that moment. I was sort of towering over the rest of the girls (anyone who's met me and most people who haven't know that there are few people older than ten I get to tower over). It was as if I was back to being an adult and they were all stuck in 1999 or something.
And then the dream ended.

I'd like to think that this is more than some kind of "coming to terms with being an adult" dream, or "fear of growing up" dream. That just seems too easy. Anyway, sorry about the lack of updates, I'll try to dream more - or actually start blogging about other things too, which I've been planning to do for ages. There. I said it, and now I have to!

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