Saturday 4 August 2007

The Dream of August 3-4

I only remember bits and pieces of this dream, but I think I was at a festival in a forest with some friends. And there was something about the tent not being good enough and then I remember listening to music and getting into an argument with someone. A man. But we sorted our differences out and became friends, and then he turned out to be a musician in a Porcupine Tree cover band who were playing the festival. And, of course, after we'd become friends the band turned out to suck ass and he was the worst of the lot! Clearly, I could not keep this to myself and it resulted in another argument that ended our brief friendship (one might think I'd have kept my opinions to myself, to save the friendship, but they REALLY sucked).
Then there was something about me and my friend Marie (who was there for some reason) needing a new tent and she brought a self-inflatable one. You seriously pulled a string and the thing just expanded and erected itself in front of you. The tent had the shape of a circus tent, but smaller, of course. In fact, there were a lot of circus tent-type things at the festival area.

That's a quite boring dream, and I remember too little of it. I have to start sleeping with a notepad and a pen by my bed so I can write down the stuff as I wake up. And when I go back to Linköping it's time to start experimenting with music to sleep to. Kit gets quite interesting results with this...

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