Wednesday 8 August 2007

The Dream of August 6-7

No dream the night between the 5th and 6th, but here's last night's err.... "adventure".

It started in a town somewhere, I think it was supposed to be Malmö, but I didn't recognise it (and I haven't been to Malmö all that much, which might explain the lack of familiarity in the surroundings).
Then, I found myself inside the terminal of an airport, or so I thought. I was with my high school class, I think, 'cause some of my old friends were there. But other friends that had nothing to do with my high school were there too, like Beppo and Kit.
Unfortunately, many details of this dream were (I think) lost as I tried really hard to remember the end of it. But I know I tied my shoes or something on a bench when some weirdo security guy in a suit walked past two police officers standing really close to me and told them off (very loudly!) for not wearing their little blue stickers that said "police officer". These stickers were really tiny, and the policemen were in full uniform but apparently the stickers were the important part of the uniform.

I remember me and Kit buying a lot of bread and stuff since apparently food would be really expensive in Germany (that's where we were going, I've forgotten what town). But after we buy all this food we remember that we're flying with RyanAir and to save money we've only got carry-on luggage and you can't get the food past security then. So I asked Beppo to take our food, and he refused. Then I asked a guy from my old class, Joel (I haven't seen him for like four years) to do it and he refused too. Then we had to get to the gate (apparently the security check would be at the gate) and we had to walk outside.
There were three different footpaths leading to gates. The right one had a sign with an airplane and it said something about RyanAir but it didn't have any info on our flight so while we weren't sure that it was the right one we assumed it must be started walking that way. Then I had a change of heart and told Kit that I would go back and see what the other two signs said, maybe I could rule those two footpaths out based on what departure information their signs had on them. So I got back and made sure that they were the wrong ones and then I turned to walk to the gate. Now here's the really freaky part. Suddenly it's no longer the way to a gate at an airport. Now it's a railway station and I think nothing of the sudden change of transportation.

However, a train passes by, right next to me, and there are already two trains waiting where the footpath used to be and with this third one there are now three tracks running parallel to one another and there's a train on each one. I know that I'm supposed to get past them to reach the platform, but how? One of the train tracks is situated higher than the other two (like it's on some elevated platform one and a half meters up) and has sort of a fence around it and I decide that the fence is my best option and climb up there. My intention is to hold on to the fence and make my way to the platform between these two trains. But it's much too tight for me to squeeze my way between the trains and the power lines above the middle train are now perilously close to me. But then the train on the higher platform starts to move and I can now walk on the tracks behind it.

Here is a bit of a blank part, but I make it to the platform where we're about to board our train to Germany. And now it's been obvious that we were going by train all along and I turn to Kit and say: "D'uh! Why were we so worried about bringing food past security? We're not flying, we're travelling by train!"

And then I woke up. I know more stuff happened when I was out and about in Malmö and more stuff happened inside that airport, which kind of resembled a shopping mall, really... But I can't remember any of that.

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