Friday 25 January 2008

The Dream of January 24-25

I've been a bit under the weather and I was so tired that I slept for most of the day yesterday, and went to bed fairly early last night. As a result I had the longest dream, or rather series of dreams that sort of tied in with one another. I have very vague recollections of waking and remembering the beginning of this dream - which I've now forgotten the details of - but since this was such a long one I don't have clear recollections of the whole thing, so there will be some gaps in places.

I think that I was on a pier, or something, with Kit and some other people and we jumped in the water. And there was a heavy fog, but I have no idea what we were doing - all I know is that we somehow got away from each other and I know that I was walking along the beach very slowly, trying to navigate my way through the thick mist (those who know me will be wondering about the normality of this dream, well, just you wait).

I think at this point I was wearing something made out of tulle and silk, something quite odd - like a hybrid of a dress and suit. But I think that it was difficult to move around in since I'd been in the water and that I got rid of the bottom part of it as I was walking along the beach and now I was wearing a top of silk and tulle and the tights I'd been wearing underneath the dress-thing. In my hand was a glass of... chocolate milkshake (because if you're walking on a beach through the heaviest fog you've ever seen with no trousers on we all know you need milkshake.)
Suddenly I felt a hand on my back and I flinched and tried to get it off, saying something like "don't touch me!" but the hand was still there. So I turned and threw my milkshake in the face of what turned out to be a young main in what looked like a very expensive shirt and a backslick hairstyle. A typical Stockholm rich kid, carrying a bit of extra alcohol weight - like they so often do. He was furious and started chasing me but somehow I got away from him. After swimming for a while I found Kit and the others.

Here's a blank part, all I know is that I was trying to hide from him in different places but he kept coming after me. At some point Kit either stopped following me around as I was running or turned into a girl I knew as a kid - because the next part I remember does not feature Kit, but this girl Nina (who I recently remember thinking about, wondering what's happened to her).
I was now in Öxnehaga, the area in Jönköping that I lived in from age 2 to 11. (It's odd, I was just thinking that I don't know anyone who still lives there, all my friends who lived there when I did or after have since moved and I only go back there occasionally to get my hair cut at the hair salon I've been going to since I was little, but I now did a search of this girl Nina and found that she still lives there). Nina and I were about to go into the local grocery store (though it looked different) when two men came up to us and started yelling at me for doing what I'd done to whatever the rich guy's name was. I know these men from the Sweden Rock Festival message board and they are lovely, albeit a bit odd, people in real life. I remember feeling terribly sad in the dream, especially since the one who acted the worst in the dream is an absolute sweetheart and one of the best "huggers" in the world when you meet him in the real world. I don't remember exactly what they were yelling, but I remember that he spat me in the face. Nina dragged me into the store and I was crying (this was incredibly vivid) and thought "When we go to the Burg-Herzberg Festival this year he's going to be so mean to me and so nice to the others and it's going to be terrible!"

After this incident I was in a hotel room, thinking I was finally free. The walls, floor and bed spread was this dark, forest-y green and the doors were a dark wooden brown. Quite depressing, and disgustingly 70s. Suddenly the door opens and the man I'm running from enters, only now he's a different person (I'm not gonna say who, but I remember thinking that he kinda looked like the guy who would seem nice and quite and then turn out to be an insane serial killer). He says that he's in "that room" and indicates a door in my room that I had not noticed before this. It has a number and everything, clearly his room's entrance is in my room. He enters his room, shuts the door and even though I know the dream continued after this, I can't remember any more.

This was not as cool as I would've wanted the first dream after such a long absence to be, but that's all I remember of it - sorry.

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