Tuesday 8 January 2008

The Dream of January 6-7

Last night at Kit's place.

Don't know how or why I wound up there, but I think I'd been swimming in a lake or ocean, possibly lake Vättern as I'm pretty sure I was in some odd version of Jönköping. And I hadn't been anticipating the swim as I stripped down to my underwear to do it - something I'd never do in real life, a one-piece bathing suit is embarrassing enough, thank you very much.
Upon returning to the spot where I'd left my clothes I realised that they were gone. So it seemed I'd have to walk home half-naked. After a while I found a nightgown or something, at least that's what I think it was. It was a thin, white, cotton material anyways and it wasn't a great help but it would have to do. I walk along this road that seems to be an on-ramp to a motorway or something, but it was heading uphill, with another road crossing below it, and modern and strange architecture really close around it. I think it reminded me of an album cover, but I can't remember which one.

Somehow I found myself in a restaurant. But not at a table or on the floor, but on some kind of decoration or lamp hanging from the ceiling. There were plenty of them, they were red and had a circular shape to them. Each lamp/decoration was placed at a different distance from the floor, to give it more of an effect, I suppose. It would be tricky to manouvre between them and to the ground, but as I stood there wondering how to do it, I saw someone standingon one of them just below me and decided to follow him. It was Will Smith, and this was all part of a scene he was shooting for one of those sort-of-drama-sort-of-comedy-for-the-entire-family type films he likes to do. I got down from there, somehow, without disturbing the scene and then I went home. Back at home I locked the door behind me since someone had tried to open it from outside every now and then over the last few days, and it was making my brother quite frightened.
Then, later that day, we heard it again, and I slowly made my way to the door and saw a pair of small, pink shoes through the letter box. Confused by this I opened the door and outside was a girl who looked a lot like the middle-child from the family featured on "Medium". When I asked if she'd been trying to open our door for days she said that she had. So I asked her why and she said that she thought our flat was the only way to the thirteenth floor where her grandfather lived. Now, our building has seven floors where our flat is, and eight in some other places. But in the dream there were twelve where we lived and thirteen in number three, where her grandfather lived. For some reason she couldn't get in through the front door in number three, I don't know why. But then there was something with an elevator and an attic and... I'm not sure what else, but I think the girl got home to her grandfather all right.

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