Saturday 5 January 2008

The Dream of January 3-4

So, I'm at Kit's for a few days and apparently listening to the B-side of Close to the Edge while sleeping is inducive to having strange dreams. And clearly, my return to World of Warcraft has affected my subconscious too.

Me and my brother were on a grassy slope just by a tower, typical of WoW. And the environment seemed very medieval. However, commercial planes were circling above us and my brother pulled out a bazooka and shot one down.
"Try it, it's fun!" he said. So I did. But I missed the first shot. I had more luck the second time and a plane crashed just one hundred metres away. Immediately people ran there to loot the wreckge and we followed. I found a pack of either really thin books or thick pamphlets. They were from some religious cult and dealt with "sexual abnormalities", like homosexuality and stuff. Clerly this organisation was stupid.

Suddenly the dream shifted and we were at a gas station where a friend of ours (not a real one, just a dream one) were loading stuff into the back of a huge SUV type car. The pamphlets were stuck between some of the stuff he'd loaded and I pulled them out Now, the government was run by this cult and our friend was going to some clandestine meeting for gay group sex. They were supposed to fake-kidnap him or something and I was really worried and told him to be careful. Just about here the dream ended, but I think that I just had time to see his car be stopped and attacked by men in dark suits.

I had an even weirder dream last night, but even though I tried to remember it when I woke up in the middle of the night I couldn't remember it after a few more hours of sleep. (:-(

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