Tuesday 27 January 2009

The Dream (dreams?) of January 27

I'm desperately trying to string my bits of dreams together. I think, and kind of hope, that they're all connected, but the thing is that I was different women in many of the parts. At least three different ones, maybe more. And while there were many, many weird aspects clearly not connected to the times they were in I still felt strongly *when* these were taking place. While not all things included in every bit here was clear in the actual dream in that same bit - I've used information I just *knew* in the other bits. Oh, and I think I went back and forth in between different parts of the dream, but I've put them all together here.
While these bits happened in an order I'm not sure of, I'll try to write them in a way that makes sense. The first bit of the first one was the first part of the dream, though. And the last bit of the last one was the last bit. So THOSE are where they're "supposed" to be. Confused? Me too.

1. I was a woman making her way through a forest area, trying to get away from someone, yet trying to find someone else. My perception was a bit... unnatural, a bit like a fairytale-ish film for children so I think that someone else was reading a book about what I was doing in this part of the dream (which would make sense with what comes later). From patching together different bits of the dream I know that this woman, or teenage girl, is a runaway slave in 19th century America.
Now, there is a very odd aspect to this bit which lasts for a very short time. The woman is riding some strange creature, not unlike a pig, which is levitating a couple of feet above the ground as she searches youtube on the huge sort of screen that has appeared in the dream. Yup. That really happened. But it was over really quickly.
While it felt as if she was looking for someone, I don't think it was anyone specific. All I know is that she reaches a farmland area and finds a family that takes her in. She must be in the north by then as they're white but still happy to take her in provided that she helps with the farm. But they didn't quite realise that she and one of their two teenage sons fell in love as soon as they locked eyes with one another (my dreams are so romantic when they're not actually about me). When this was discovered I think there were a looot of difficult situations, but at the same time I think they either ran away or worked it out with the boy's parents somehow, because they had two children (or more). I don't think they got married or anything, though, that seems unlikely.

2. I have a very brief dream (or part of one), and I actually think it was in black and white which would make it the first dream I've had that was, where a black woman in her twenties gets a job in an office. I think it's the 50s or 60s and it *might* be for a news paper. She loves to write.

3. I'm another woman. She's in her early twenties, and she's Swedish. I think this is the one I "really" am in the dream. She goes to uni in Gothenburg and she's the one who either read the first dream in diary notes (or something) - or dreamt it (ugh, I hope not. People with "supernatural" dreams are soo not welcome in my dreams). What I do know is that despite being a typically Swedish-looking woman (yup, I was all blond in my dream - yuck!) she is the descendant of that girl who ran away.
Gothenburg Uni has just acquired a guest scholar for the year, a writer and literature professor who is well-known and well-respected all over the world. She's an African-American woman who worked her way through college and started writing something like fourty years ago - and the young woman I am in this dream is very confident that she is also a descendant of the woman I have diary entries from. Or maybe they're letters? Either way, she wants to talk to this literature professor and has gone to campus very early in the morning, having heard that the professor comes in at 7:30 every day. On her way there she encounters other students (a couple of which are real people I knew in Linköping), including a guy with an Iron Maiden t-shirt who supposedly had lost a lot of weight and had originally weighed just over a tonne (which for some reason was unlikely - but definitely possible in this dream). These people were still partying from last night. For some reason some of them are singing a Porcupine Tree song while drinking cheap beer.
The young woman finds the literature building where cleaners have started their work day and she's looking at a list of employees and offices, trying to find the right one. I don't know if she finds it because this is where I wake up.

There was a lot more to this dream, but... You know how it works.
If I were to hazard a guess as to what this dream stems from I think it's the conversation I had with Tengil (or Torbjörn, which apparently is his real name! (;-P ) the other day about everyone knowing each other in seven steps and everyone being 50th cousin or less with one another. That, and talking about Gothenburg Uni with Emy yesterday.


Bert said...

Hi Philadelphia,

Good blog. Some kind of dreaming going on there!! Anyway, hope you don't mind, but I've put myself down as a follower of your blog.


Bert (from the Frost board)

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